The WNF requests recommendations for speakers for our new Womxn in Nanotechnology and Science (WINS) Speaker Series.
Thanks to a generous gift from the Washington Research Foundation, the WNF will launch a quarterly speaker series focusing on women’s expertise and career accomplishments in Nanotechnology and Science. Our main goal is to reach out to and spike curiosity among womxn students towards careers in Nanotech and Science. Nominations may be from any field within these areas, but whatever the specialty, the nominee must be currently working in a tech-related industry.
Please send the name, affiliation, field of expertise, how you know her (i.e., worked with, reputation, met at conference, etc.), why she would be a good choice, and contact information for the potential speaker to wnfinfo@uw.edu. The more you tell us about your speaker, the easier it is for us to see how she might fit into the schedule. Please include your phone number and e-mail in case we need additional information or clarification.
The selection committee will employ the following criteria: potential to be an engaging speaker, ability to connect with a broad and diverse audience, and career accomplishments.
Thank you for your continued support of the WNF and we cannot wait to kickstart the Womxn in Nanotechnology and Science Speaker Series!